It has been one month since we opened to this “new normal”. It's had it’s challenges – adjusting to the new protocols, trying to track down and order protective equipment, lots of calls to reschedule and screen clients, meetings, updates and lots and lots of cleaning – but looking back on the last 4 weeks we are so happy to be back with our team helping people again!!
Our staff have been incredible and have been so flexible and willing to adapt to this new environment. Our clients made this new transition even easier – thanks to everyone for being so understanding and patient as we continue to adapt and follow the protocols laid out by public health.
What to expect when you come for an appointment:
-- You will be sent an email screening questionnaire to complete or will be asked the screening questions when booking your appointment
-- You will be screened again when you enter the clinic
-- You are required to wear a mask in the clinic, we ask that you please bring your own if you have one.
-- The space in our waiting area is limited so we ask that you come right on time for your appointment (no more than 5 minutes early).
-- When possible, you will be brought directly into your treatment room.
-- Prior to treatment your therapist will take your temperature with a contact less thermometer.
-- After your appointment you will be directed back to the front to pay and book an appointment if needed (using the interact contact less “tap” feature is encouraged)
All these procedures appeared daunting at first but have really become easier and more routine with time. We thank you again for supporting us and making it an easier transition back to doing what we love!

To book a physiotherapy or massage therapy appointment call 506 388-1333 or book online at